Amy yelled at me for not keeping up with my blog so here goes. I've been super super busy. I've been having weekly lessons in dressage as usual, and trying to fit in jumping/huntseat lessons as much as possible. My last lesson was a jumping lesson on a wonderful Stdbred mare named Legacy (legs for short). She is just an awesome jumper, and would be SOOO happy to do it all the time. Her owner is a young girl (about 12 I'm guessing) and she is afriad to jump and so Legacy isn't allowed to just go over a fence. For the most part if you let her go, she will do it! She's such a good girl. I'm not sure how high the fences were. We were doing 4 jumps three were seperated by 2 strides and the last was a 3 stride The first 2 i'm think we topped at 2 feet??? and the last was 3 feet? i'm not super sure. I'm not a good judge of hieght. All I know is that they were reasonable heights and a lot of fun.
The lesson before that was on Bug, the new puckerbrush lesson horse. The lesson went absolutely horrible! I ended up sobbing. NOT a good thing. I'm not typically an emotional person, but I just lost it. I think I made my instructor nervous because normally i'm like whatever lets do it. Ah wells.
OH and my dressage schooling show. I did pretty well. I am very proud of myself about that show. I didn't get all worked up and panicky. I went in, rode my test and that was that. It was a great feeling to not have my heart feel like it was going to leap from my chest, and be all sweaty and shaking and naseaus! I got two fourth places. Both tests were Training 4 and on both tests I got a 55.385. One was the "reride" class were basically people enter to do their tests again. The reride there were only 4 people in the class (so i got last obviously) and the other one had 6 if I remember correctly. I mostly got 5's and 6's but I did get a 7 on the last movement of the test. turn left at E, left at X, stop salute at G. I've been working on my corners all summer so I'm happy about that :).
This coming weekend is the Leslie Cline clinic and the dressage club gets to have 6 people go for free (I'm one yeah!), and then the 4 weekends of shows start. Hunt seat/dressage it shall be interesting. Ok I'm updated I believe *grin* *poof*