Wednesday, May 21, 2008


So I worked with Miss Jonza today, and she was a complete twit. Throwing her head around because of the *flies* although taking up the *flies* didnt seem to bother her, and in the field these same *flies* werent a nuisance. Interesting how that is huh! She kept running sideways to get away from my leg, hopping and doing little bucks here and there. All because she didn't want to do anything....I'm sure she wanted to be back on the nice green grasses. It took about 45min to an hour to get her just to have her EAR listen to me, She still was prancing around like a princess and wanting to go go go. Head way up in the air, and just being a total twit. We got in maybe 1 minute of *good* listening and bending at the walk, and we were done.

So tomorrow I am going to lunge her for a good while and then get on and do our walk/halt transitions until she is listening and moving nicely...then see if she can trot. Today it was impossible. She could barely contain herself and listen at the walk, much less the trot. I hate it when she is like this mainly for the fact that its at times like this that she tends to smack her hind ankles together, and step all over her front heels with the back, and she trips over herself and everything around! The ground is as flat as it can be without being manmade flat! (Which I will be working on as soon as the tractor is up and running) when she's paying attention to me and what we are doing she doesnt hit herself nearly as much.

But how do you talk reason to a horse? "Miss Jonza...if you just pay attention and stop being a twit you wont trip all over yourself and hurt feet and ankles. Ok mum I'll try that next time ;)." HA yeah right!

So we shall see how tomorrow goes :) Hopefully the rain will clear off in the morning like they are saying its supposed to.

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