Thursday, March 24, 2005

Jack jack jack attack

Well I rode Jack again in my lesson today. It went really well. I am really doing great keeping my hands at the proper level and using my elbows more. I go to the gym quite a bit, and when I am on the upright bikes I practice my horsey "position" and make sure my elbows are being flexible and such. Its obviously helped a lot. I've really been making a conscious effort! So I worked on walk-halt and walk-trot-halt transistions. Jack is very sensitive to your leg, so it's easy to weave around when trying to trot down the centerline. So thats what I worked on for the first 15 minutes of the lesson. I finally got the hang of it, and had some really nice halts. Then we worked on my Training 4 test. I went through it the first time and Sandy said it was good, but only if I really was at a training 4 level. She told me she wanted me to ride it as if I was doing a First Level test because I am capable of doing that. So I did, and it was a much nicer test, it felt more fluid to me as well!

She said that the last few times she's seen anyone ride Jack, hes been cantering with his hind end in a little bit. So we did a little canter work to see if I could get him to canter straight down the long side, and then canter in 20 meter circles while asking for a shoulders in to even him out. It worked! I find it difficult on some of the everyday lesson horses to get them to do some of the things they ask me to. But with him I positioned myself correctly to ask and he did it :). It was a great thing, AND I could feel it. Another thing I like to happen, when I ask, that I can actually feel the response. Anyways it was a wonderful feeling. Then after another break (we let the horses relax every time we do something that takes a lot of energy on the horse's behalf) we did my training 2 test. It felt great, i forgot to walk at A and walked at F instead, but other than that it was a wonderful test.

Sandy said I did a wonderful job, and it truely was ridden as if I was doing a first level test. So, I think that me and Jack are going to do well at the show next sunday! His owner will be coming out to watch me and him in the show! That will be a little nerve racking i think! He never really rides, and he is REALLY green, can walk and trot, doesnt know how to post really, does an okay sitting trot, and was working on his canter when he stopped taking lessons. So he has this great horse, really well trained, light in the mouth, never on the forehand, Appendix Quarterhorse (MUCH more thoroughbred than QH)! AND pays just over $500 a month just to have Jack be ridden by me and a couple others! ha! It will be nice to have him see what his horse can do though!

Well all in all I think we are ready for the show! I asked Bryn to ride him in our lesson on Monday, and then I will ride him again next Thursday. Oh I can't wait to show, it will be so fun! But no doubt a bit stressful. I am gonna bring joey's camera and get someone to take picture of me on him so I can post them :)

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