Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Vaccinations...not so fun...

Well today was quite eventful. I managed to vaccinate MYSELF with some cow vaccine against the "clostridium" virus. I dont know the correct spelling but thats how it sounds. One of my classes at school requires me to work with the cows at witter. We have beef and dairy cattle. Holsteins, black angus, and belties. We were vaccinating the pregnant cows so that when they start calving in a few weeks the babies will all be protected against the virus.

Yes I stabbed myself with a needled filled with the vaccine. I had put the cap on too tight so was pulling hard to get it off and well, you know what happens when you try to overcorrect yourself. It went all the way through my pointer finger on my left hand. It bled quite a bit, but its fine for the most part. It was sterile, hadnt been in any cows yet, or touched anything else except the bottle of the vaccine. Anyways so its realy sore and I cant bend it, but I can type with little pain??? very odd.

Anyways so I rode Tory bareback and we just lots and lots of circles walking, bending and all that jazz ;). That way there would be no cow kicking and any reason to hurt my finger more. It was so relaxing just to walk around it was great. I just sorta zoned out at the end and we just sorta walked and walked. I'm not sure how much she enjoyed it, but I really did. She listened well. I think that is mainly due to the fact that it was bareback. She was bending really nicely in comparison to how she normally is. Probably due to the fact that there wasnt a saddle in the way of her fat belly. I can't wait till all the snow is gone (I am just ignoring the fact that we are getting atleast a foot of snow in the next couple of days). When its gone I'm gonna do some groundpole work with her, so I can get that canter going :). More of that when the time comes.

My Dew is coming to see me tonight, because our anniversary is this sunday. 4 years! He's so great.

1 comment:

Zinnia said...

:) I still think it's purty funny that you vaccinated youself. More riding stories!!!